Eights and Nines

Oh great. I just got over having a sore throat and a cough last week, and it looks like the sore throat is coming back. I have a three day weekend coming up (for the next three weeks in a row, actually!), and I hope this doesn’t hinder any of my plans. Not that I have plans yet, but I’d hate for it to hinder them. 🙂
I actually accomplished a lot today around the house, despite it being my first day back to work after a week’s vacation. I saved it all up because I didn’t want to lift a finger during my time off. I got the xmas lights up on the house, covered the trailer in a huge tarp, and brought all the snow removal crap (salt & spreader, shovel, broom, etc.) from the garage to the front porch. If it does snow soon, I hope it snows good. None of this light dusting that we had earlier in the week.
I bought a new cellular phone today. My first cell was a Tracfone, which has worked perfectly for Traci and me over the last year and a half, so I got another. The one I bought today only cost $20, plus I used the “Refer a Friend” program to refer myself and got 100 free minutes for both the old and new phones. It’s very rare that we go through 100 minutes over the course of two months, so prepaid has worked quite well. I don’t see myself ever needing a regular cell phone with a monthly bill.

1 thought on “Eights and Nines

  1. Must be nice. Me and my girl have a plan that runs $120/month for the two of us. One month my bill was over charged, because me and her both managed to go over 1000 text messages for the month. And I’m not talking us together. We both had 1000 txt each. I don’t know how we did it. That month I sent 1400. Needless to say, I upgraded the messaging capabilities of the plan. Ridiculous.

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