New server and new CMS

My website (and, unfortunately, e-mail) has been down for a few days.  Solo unplugged the box my site was hosted on, apparently unaware that I hadn’t already switched over to the new server.  Since I already had to go through the pain of moving my site to a new server, I switched from using Movable Type to WordPress for my content management system.  The move is going to break a lot of internal links on the site, and eventually I’ll get around to fixing them.  I’m missing some posts from the past month, but once Solo can get me access to the old server I’ll be able to restore them.
I don’t think I’m going to try restoring my entire website.  There were some pages/sections that have been lingering for years, but they’ve lost their relevance now.  I’d like to get all my older photos that were hosted on this domain moved over to Picasa Web Albums.  That’s a task I began months ago but stalled out when it became tedious.  For now, I’ll focus on getting the right look and feel, then I’ll work on the minor details.

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