Traci’s surgery went well yesterday. Her check-in time at the surgical center was 7:30 in the morning, and we had to get up at 5:00 in order to get there on time. Just before 9:00 they wheeled her off to the operating room, and at about 10:15 the surgeon came to talk to me and let me know that everything went well and that Traci would be out of the recovery room shortly. They finally wheeled her back to her room an hour later and she was still out of it. It took a while for her to come-to, but pretty quickly she was eating and drinking a little and ready to get up and walk. She was well enough by 1:30 that they released her and we were able to head home. Here’s a photo of her gallbladder and stones:

Hopefully this weekend is all she needs to recover. It would be nice if, by next weekend, the whole family can get out to enjoy this cool fall weather.