Slow Ride

I finally ordered a new GPS receiver today. It was stupid of me to wait for prices to drop, because instead the price went up by $30 and hasn’t come back down. I could have gotten the same GPS cheaper from somewhere other than Amazon, but after actually having to pay for shipping it would have cost about the same. I also got the windshield and handlebar mounting brackets, both of which should save some wear-and-tear on the new GPS.
I’m still planning on hiking Saturday, though the weather forecast shows a high temperature of between 35° and 40°. It was probably around 10° warmer than that the last time I was out on the Wedge, so I’ll have to wear an extra layer of clothing.
This weekend was fairly unusual for me because I stayed home pretty much the whole time. The only time I left was to take a short drive up Nine Mile Canyon yesterday afternoon to log a virtual geocache that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. It was boring staying in the house all day Friday and Saturday, but I was watching the kids while Traci did some scrapbooking stuff with her family. This coming weekend will make up for it–I’m not sure I’ll be home at all. 🙂

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