Ok, I am so fed up with Community Motors. They’ve been jerking me around for so long now, and they’ve finally run out of excuses. My truck has been waiting since Monday to get a new tie-rod end and ball-joint on the front-end, both of which together should take less than two hours to replace. Yesterday, after I complained to Owen, the peon overseeing the work, he said he’d get it in that evening, but that it probably wouldn’t be done until this morning. I was going to drive out there after they closed yesterday to make sure my truck wasn’t sitting in the back lot, but I never got around to it. So I went down this morning after they opened, and sure enough, it was sitting where it has been for the past three days.
Instead of complaining to Owen again, which obviously didn’t do any good yesterday, I came right home and called Community Motors, asking to speak to the owner or a manager or something. I talked to the service manager, Earl, and told him about my problem. My truck has been there for more than 2½ months, and there’s no way that every single vehicle that’s been worked on since Monday could have been there longer than mine. Earl said he’d find out what’s going on and call me back, but it’s been an hour since then and there’s still no word. If my lunch break rolls around and I still haven’t heard from him, I’ll have Traci drive me down there, and I’ll leave in my truck. Either Dinosaur Tire or Grako’s could easily fix the front-end in a few hours, so I’ll have them do it instead.
The thing that’s really bugging me is that by delaying all of this work, they’re delaying their payment. The sooner they get my truck finished, the sooner they can have my $1,500. I guess they just don’t need the money that badly. If I don’t get the problem resolved today, I’m going to let everybody know what a bunch of incompetent retards the Ford dealer has working for them–spend your money elsewhere, because they surely don’t need it.
you have no idea what the word choad means
go to urbanditionary.com and look it up you need to know before u embarace your self