Another E/N Site Closed

Well, I decided to close this site down (at least as an E/N site). Instead, I’m just going to use it as a personal web page. It has really interfered with my personal life, and I realized I need to spend more time with my wife than my computer. šŸ™‚ It used to be I’d spend 8 hours at work on a computer, then come home and spend another 6 hours on the web before going to bed. So for those of you who link to this site (all 2 of you), you might wanna remove the links.
In place of this site, I will have a pretty much static personal web page, but the “E/N Compulsion” won’t go away. I’ll post more often on The White “Ty” Affair than I have in the past, now that I won’t be updating this site. I’ll probably wait a while before I get rid of the current content, but in the next couple of weeks, it’ll be replaced by whatever it is I come up with. šŸ™‚

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