
I’m occasionally contacted for information about the location of rock art, historic sites, or other potentially sensitive areas. My personal policy, in general, is that if I don’t give specifics on the website, I probably won’t do so privately either. So, while you’re free to try asking, please don’t be offended if your request is ignored.
(435) 637-8981
Dennis Udink
281 N 300 E
Price, UT 84501

8 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hey, Dennis. I meant to tell you like the new look, with a couple of caveats.
    -The text is a little on the small side by default. I can embiggen it in my browser, but I am not sure everyone knows how to do this.
    -While you can click the images to view them in Picasa, they seem very small on the page, and are a bit hard to make out.
    I am honored to be included on your blogroll, but you might change it to just . At some point in the future, I may not be using the subfolder “Home.”
    Finally, the next time Abby and I are Utah way, we have got to make time to meet you.
    Have a great one, man, and keep posting – I’ll keep reading! -Richard

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Richard. I’ve fixed your link, although the link forwards my browser to the “/home/” folder. I’ve thought about using larger images in my blog posts…I suppose it’s been sheer laziness preventing me from doing so, since I’ve “always done it that way.” Perhaps it’s time for a change? 🙂 The text size looks normal to me using Firefox, but I haven’t tried it in other browsers. I’ll download Safari and Chrome and see if I can get it looking right in all browsers.
      I’ll look forward to meeting you and Abby the next time you are in Utah (or, the next time I’m in Oklahoma :)). I wanted to meet up with you the last time you were in the Moab area, but I just couldn’t make it work. I’m glad to hear that Abby is recovering well, and I hope things continue to go that way.

      1. In the root directory of my web site is one line of code that redirects to the /home/ folder, but in the future I might add a flash intro or cover page before the redirect. It just keeps my options open that way.

  2. Hi Dennis,
    Great trip report. Was wondering which sort of Jeep did your friend hire and where is the best, cheapest place to get them. I made inquiries in Moab and with insurance it was over $200 a day. I also don’t know much about 4WDs apart from Jeeps are good, and I haven’t much idea about pick-ups which seem popular and very able (not much need for them on UK streets), so wasn’t sure what I could get away with in the Maze (Moab rentals even soup up and modify their jeeps changing the wheels and suspension etc).
    Last question, I fancied the idea of your loop up Pictograph to the Harvest Scene and down Pete’s Mesa Trail ridge. Is it easy to route find through cairns without compass or GPS?
    And, if I was only to do one of those 2 routes in and out to the Harvest Scene which would you say has the better views of the Maze (I might have to end up going with a tour agency, but I want to make sure I’m missing out on the best views for speed/convenience/not too fit tour group members)
    Thanks in advance, Ross

    1. The Jeep was a newer Wrangler, completely stock, including highway tires instead of off-road tires. I’m not sure about the cost or from which company he rented it, but I believe he rented it in Las Vegas.
      I thought the route to the Harvest Scene was fairly easy to follow. It was well-cairned from Chimney Rock down into the bottom of the canyon, but after that we just followed the sandy wash downstream and didn’t see many cairns. It was the same on the way out and up to the Pete’s Mesa ridge–very few cairns in the bottom of the canyon, but once we started the climb out, it was well-cairned and easy to follow. However, I had a GPS which I could check to verify that we were on the right track, and one of us also had the National Geographic Trails Illustrated map of the Maze to which we referred a few times. I don’t think I would recommend going in without at least a map.
      I’d say that the Pete’s Mesa ridge route had the best views into the Maze. There are nice views off either side of the ridge into Pictograph Fork and Jasper Canyon. However, on the route through Pictograph Fork, you’re down in the Maze and have great views of the canyon walls and side canyons. I guess it all depends on whether you want to see it from above or from down inside. 🙂

  3. Hey Dennis,
    Nice blog and pictures! We live in the SLC area and love camping in the San Raphael Swell area. We too are ATV’rs. Hope to meet up with you and your family someday when we are in the area. We are leaving Thursday going to the Swell for 4 days and are hoping the weather holds out this weekend.

    1. Thanks, Macky! We had been considering camping in the Swell this weekend, but decided not to ’cause it might be hard to find a good spot on a busy holiday weekend. I hope the weather holds out, too, because I’m itching to get out if even just for the day sometime this weekend.

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