I often take photos with my cellphone, usually of my daily life, that don’t show up on this website. Well, here are a bunch of ’em from the last six months or so (see the link at the bottom for more).
Michael and Bradley walking Torrey and Boulder on the Price River Trail

View of Balance Rock in Helper during dinner at Traci’s cousin’s place

Rainbow from the street out front

Boulder and Torrey at the old Durrant school grounds

Torrey and Boulder out for a walk. Boulder lies down in the water from a leaky sprinkler.

Sunset from the back yard

Kebabs on the grill

Sunset from Mont Harmon Junior High

Bike ride to Helper, Utah

Chris holding Torrey on the Fourth of July

Sunset from the back yard

Bradley and Traci playing Minecraft

Sunset along the Price River Trail

I got Traci on a mountain bike. Once.

My favorite Claret Cup Cactus along Luke’s Trail

15th anniversary dinner at home, with an obscenely large ribeye steak and pasta and shrimp and wine

Mammatus clouds from the back yard

Torrey and Boulder (and my leg) with a neighbor’s dog who is a Brittany Spaniel/Dalmatian mix

I watered my lawn, then it rained, hard. Sorry.

Firewood gathering along Airport Road

Jeep parked below while I replace a missing geocache

Me on Cove Rim Trail

Boulder and Torrey out for a foggy walk at Pioneer Park

A very sad Boulder during the drive home after getting spayed

Foggy, snowy day in Green River, Utah

Sunset from the back yard

Working on a trip report while the puppies sleep in front of the furnace vent

1909 inscription in Pinnacle Canyon

Saying goodbye to my ATVs, which I sold in January

Boulder and Torrey running up Wood Hill

This rock used to say “Fabulous Anal Pointe” (which I found hilarious) but some asshole wrote over it “I’ll be yours will you be mine”

Boulder and Torrey after a bath

Wood Hill, where I regularly walk the dogs (and myself)

Photo Gallery
Yup, those were fun. Thanks for sharing.