
I paid off the balance of the loan on my truck yesterday. What’s nice is that I got such a good deal on the truck that it’s worth the same today as I paid for it three years ago. Now I’ve just gotta figure out what I want to do with the “extra” money I’ll have each month. I can either dump it into my other debts (car, credit card, house), or play with it a little. 😉
It’s finally looking like there’s enough of a break in the weather for some of this snow to melt. I pushed a foot of snow off my camp trailer today so that the roof wouldn’t leak when it melted. I also dug a lot of snow and ice away from the curb in front of the house so that I can park the truck there again, instead of in the driveway where it’s been all winter.
I got a phone call from Dewayne (of DeViDe) the other day asking if I would head down into the Swell to find a camp spot for this spring’s geocaching event. By this weekend the roads will have had a week to dry out, and I’m sure I would have spent some time down there anyway, so Traci and I are planning on taking the kids down for a sightseeing trip and hopefully a little hiking.
I am just beginning to get over (at least I hope I’m getting over) what feels like bronchitis. I slept so poorly Sunday night and woke up Monday morning with such a splitting headache and sore throat that I called in sick to work. I felt quite a bit better this morning, but if it worsens I will probably pay a visit to the doctor.

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