Let go of the wheel

It’s yet another weekend where it’s just me and the boys. Traci was supposed to go to her aunt’s cabin in Joe’s Valley for the weekend to do some scrapbooking, but the snowy weather on Friday stopped them from going up there. Instead, they’re holed up just two blocks away at Traci’s parents’ house–and I still slept alone in my bed last night.
The boys and I went out geocaching today with Sam and Mark and their kids. We found a whopping six caches, which is quite a lot for this area. I guess springtime has brought a few local cachers out, and there have been a lot of new caches lately. There are still a few I haven’t found, but I didn’t feel like driving that far from home today. We drove to Helper, Wellington, and out near Hiawatha today, and even placed a cache while I was in the latter area.
Michael and Bradley at a gas wellThere is, surprisingly, a 3.7-mile long volcanic dike just north of North Spring which I noticed when checking out the new shooting range several months ago. I know of no other evidence of volcanism anywhere in Carbon County, so I thought it’d be a great place for a geocache. Mark had to go back to Price for work, so just Michael and Bradley and I hiked about 1.4 miles round-trip to place the cache. The cold wind was pretty terrible all day long, and Bradley especially couldn’t stand it. The promise of some hot chocolate when we got home was just barely enough to get him through the hike. It was still a good day despite the weather. We spent about six hours caching, and the rest of the day just lounging around at home (my favorite pastime).
Next weekend Traci and I are going, without the kids, camping with some geocachers back to the Temple Wash area where we camped two weeks ago. Traci talked her dad into loaning us an ATV (a Honda Foreman 400), otherwise I don’t think we’d be going. I’m really looking forward to it. We’ll hit some roads that my truck would never make it over, and there are plans for a hike to No Man’s Mountain, which is just southeast of Sid’s Mountain and actually uses the same trail to get on top that I’ve wanted to try since the last time I was there on a different trail.

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