Old Dude

Michael started kindergarten today, and tomorrow is my 30th birthday. Strange, but I don’t feel that old. πŸ™‚ I suppose Michael’s school principal should feel really old, since he was the principal at my school when I was five. Michael seems to be settling into things very well. He rides the bus, and the bus stop is down the street and over one block. We’re not used to letting him go that far alone, so it’s going to take some getting used to for Traci and me.
This weekend’s campout at Potter’s Ponds was great, I didn’t want it to end. We were there Thursday through Sunday, and that wasn’t nearly enough time to socialize and go geocaching and everything else I wanted to do. We spent Thursday just setting up camp and finding a couple of the nearby geocaches. After breakfast on Friday morning, we took a small inflatable raft over to the pond and I rowed over to the island to find another cache. One person had already arrived for the get-together, so he borrowed my raft and paddled over to the island after I did. It wasn’t until around 5:00 pm that a lot of other people started showing up. That night we had a good-sized group around the campfire, and I stayed up until about 2:00 am just bullshitting with Chris. Even more people showed up on Saturday, and we did the poker run, a nice potluck dinner, then had another nice evening around the fire. Sunday was pretty uneventful, with everybody packing up to leave fairly early in the day. We took our time and made sure both campsites were clean before starting to load the truck and trailer. Right after I hitched the trailer onto the truck, I heard air escaping from one of my tires, and it turned out to be a bad valve stem. Changing it was pretty easy, then we were on our way back home.
Since then, I’ve been trying to catch up on a few projects at work, but other than that I’ve been lazy at home. I’ve still got to finish unloading the truck and take the tire in for repair. I’m sure there are things in the trailer that’ll have to eventually be unloaded as well. We probably won’t go camping again until October, so I’ll have a brief respite where I can catch up on those pesky home projects that have been in progress for longer than my wife would care for. πŸ˜‰
Oh, here are some pictures from the last few days.

2 thoughts on “Old Dude

  1. 30 huh? I guess I am not much older than you. After meeting this weekend, I thought you were in your mid twenties. However, I am only 4 years older. Welcome to the 30+ club.
    Sorry to hear about the tire. It should have happened to me, my little stunt down bacon ridge.

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