
I don’t get it. State Trailer Supply in Salt Lake wants $150 for a 40-gallon fresh water holding tank for my trailer. Action Motors & RV in Wellington wants $135 for a 42-gallon tank (the closest size they could come up with). I just bought a brand-new 40-gallon tank through eBay for $35. Ain’t the internet sweet? 🙂
I’m still waiting for a few auctions to get close to ending before bidding on a water pump, but I should have one bought before the weekend’s over, and hopefully I’ll have it all before next weekend.
I’m wondering if it’s too late to put a new roof on my garage this year. I’ve finally got the time and money to do the roof, but I don’t know if the weather will hold up long enough to get it taken care of. I guess the worst case scenario is that I can throw down some roll roofing really quick and dirty, then do the job right next year. That’s not my ideal situation, but it’s better than doing nothing.

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