I’ve spent most of this week lazily getting ready to go camping. A water pipe in the trailer sprung a leak at a T joint, and it was in too tight a spot to solder it back together, so I used some epoxy putty–hopefully it will hold up under pressure. I found out that when I plug the trailer wiring into the new truck, the right brake and turn signal light doesn’t work. I tracked the problem down to the actual socket on the truck, but I don’t have time to wire in a new socket. I’ve only got to make two each of left and right turns on my way to Bear Creek Campground, so it shouldn’t be a big deal.
I’m really looking forward to this weekend, but the following two weeks are going to be rough. I’m planning on finishing up all the projects that need doing around the yard before I go camping again. I’m going to Provo Wednesday to finally get the roofing materials for the garage, and when that job is done, I’ve got a few more small jobs left before I’ll be done until fall, when I’ll need to repaint the trim on the house and build new window screens (for all 13 upstairs windows!).
At least the garden is very low maintenance for now. No weeds have popped up yet, and I’ve got the water on a timer. There are some cherry tomato plants that are looking pretty sorry, and I might just rip them out and replace them with store-bought plants. We started everything from seed, but the cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, and jalapeños came up late and are growing very slowly. The corn and squash are doing the best, but I think everything will be producing very late in the season. If the garden works out this year without being too much trouble to take care of, we’ll do it again next year, except we’ll know to start the seeds a month or more earlier than we did this year.