Anyone want to split a quick $100 with me? I hate hiking that far alone.
6 thoughts on “FTF”
what about your wife? if I still lived in price..I would be like..Im all for it. So that is…uh..50 dollars each. LOL. now if it was 1000 dollars..I would be like hell yeah.
what about your wife? if I still lived in price..I would be like..Im all for it. So that is…uh..50 dollars each. LOL. now if it was 1000 dollars..I would be like hell yeah.
Alysha, I tried to reply to your email, and it bounced back. It said that your mailbox might be too full. Just letting you know.
C’mon dude lets take it on! 50 bucks will help pay for my gas and it’ll be a blast. …especialy if its a gag. hahahahahaha
13 miles through remote and scenic country doesn’t sound quick to me 🙂
try again sam
I belive that goes, “Play it again, Sam.” =)