Well, the weather forecast sure has changed dramatically over the past two days:

So it looks like we’re definitely going camping today. =) I was going to buy two spare tires for the trailer this week, but only because of the poor condition that the original tires were in. A single new tire runs about $60, and a rim runs about $40, so it would have cost me about $200 for both spares. Instead, I ended up buying four new tires and one rim, and had one of the better old tires mounted on the rim as a spare, and it only cost me around $300. I went to Big O Tires, since their advertised prices were cheaper than what I paid at Wal-Mart for the new tires I got on my car a couple months ago, but when I realized how much new trailer tires were gonna cost me, I kinda balked at the price. The guy working there (who, by the way, took forever to count my change out, and had to start over twice) said he’d drop the cost of mounting, balancing, and valve stems, so that ended up saving me a bit of money. At least I know I can do that there and probably get a better price than anywhere else in town.