Useless Information

Ok, I put some new pictures up from this weekend, and a few from last weekend.
I found out what the deal was with those ladybugs I saw on Ford Ridge–apparently, they’re hibernating. I didn’t know that ladybugs hibernated, let alone that they lived long enough to hibernate all winter. It’s strange that they’d pick a wind-scoured mountain peak that receives so much snow in the winter that you need a snow cat to get there. I guess they’re heartier than I thought.

4 thoughts on “Useless Information

  1. before you reduce your images to a downloadable size, you should really make a couple of the prettier ones into desktops.
    it’d sure be nice to have this or this for a background.
    just a thought,

  2. I’d use up my measly 50 megs of server space if I did that. But if you want ’em…here are some original 1600×1200 versions of some pictures I took in the last month or so. Available for a limited time only. =)
    [Sorry, this limited time offer has expired.]

  3. i appreciate that šŸ™‚
    i don’t have any image software on my laptop, but i was able to size the jpg’s down just fine using the skew feature in paint.
    now my desktop is pretty. thanks šŸ˜€

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