It’s been confirmed: Chandra Levy is for sure dead. “‘She really didn’t say anything,’ Pelote said. ‘When I saw her, she was lying in a ditch and her eyes was closed. She was in a wooded area.’” Please note, her eyes was closed.
As long as you repent for your pedophilia, the LDS church will put you in a position to do it all over again. “Church records show he was excommunicated in 1983 for sexually abusing children but rebaptized a year later.”
Web Site Makes It Easy To Find Utah Businesses: “Thanks to a new Internet service that lists 120,000 Utah businesses, consumers can find pet snacks made from ostriches in Spanish Fork or a Provo company that will order you a jack-o’-lantern made from a Pennsylvania gourd.” Wow, that sounds an awful lot like the yellow pages. Jackasses.
I know it might be hard to change an entire industry based on the word “news”, but really its all been done, seen, and heard before. It’s just different crazy people doing all the stupid things.