
Greymatter is a little more complicated than News Publisher to set up, but it’s so damn configurable that it’s well worth it. I didn’t really have any problems, but it took me a while to get the hang of how everything works.
I really gotta thank Solo for the hosting. I owe him big time.
I’m not certain that everything works on the site yet, but I’ll be working on it over the weekend, tweaking Greymatter a little more, and working on the subsections. I’m thinking about putting up a section for my family (even the relatives I don’t know), like some sort of genealogy thing (maybe), but I don’t know if it would be worth it. As it is, I’m going to try to give any Udink who wants one their own email address (not like there’ll be too many). It’s pretty cool to have an uncommon last name and be able to have as your email address. If people know your name, they won’t ever forget your email address. =)

4 thoughts on “Finally…

  1.!! ROCK!
    Nice layout, pally. So how’s about that grey matter acct? I is curious.
    And how did you find the set up and configuration in comparison to when you were a newbie with NewsPub?? Harder curve? Less? THE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW!
    lubya, jr

  2. Hey dennis, I’m just a long-time visitor glad to see you back up. I always thought it was “dudink” for some reason though. Still a pretty cool last name if you ask me.
    — Tal

  3. Hey dennis, I’m just a long-time visitor glad to see you back up. I always thought it was “dudink” for some reason though. Still a pretty cool last name if you ask me.
    — Tal

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