Category Archives: Book Cliffs

Soldier Creek

This weekend I stayed relatively close to home looking for some rock art I’d read about. I drove along Soldier Creek on the way to Nine Mile Canyon looking for any likely spots to find the rock art but I never found it. I hiked around a little bit close to the road. I saw a small cave, perhaps a couple hundred feet above the road, and I now regret not hiking up to it. I also drove to and hiked a bit around Grassy Trail Creek, which Dugout Creek feeds into. There’s not much of a story to tell but I took a few photos I thought were worth sharing.

Soldier Creek south of the Book Cliffs
Soldier Creek south of the Book Cliffs

Soldier Creek through the Book Cliffs
Soldier Creek through the Book Cliffs

Inscription near Soldier Creek Mine: Len Vance, June Edwards, June 28, 1908
Inscription near Soldier Creek Mine:  Len Vance, June Edwards, June 28, 1908

Aspen at Whitmore Park
Aspen at Whitmore Park

Three cows
Three cows

Dugout Canyon
Dugout Canyon

Spherical concretions along Grassy Trail Creek
Spherical concretions along Grassy Trail Creek

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