Today has already been more fun-filled than my entire weekend was. Traci was out of town scrapbooking with some of her family all weekend, so it was just me and the boys. I finished planting the rest of my vegetable garden on Friday, but Saturday and Sunday we didn’t do much at all. We only left home once to do a little shopping, but the rest of the time we spent in the house or in the yard. I did invite my sister and her family over for some dutch oven dessert on Saturday evening, but the cold wind made it less fun than I had hoped. It was nice to have some company for part of an otherwise boring weekend though.
Traci and I took the kids to Spring Canyon today to look at some petroglyphs and we had a pretty good time. We parked at the mouth of Sowbelly Gulch and hiked around the area for about an hour and a half. There’s a sealed-off coal mine shaft on the east side of Sowbelly Gulch, and a short coal-covered grade leading from the shaft to an old wooden bridge that looks like it used to hang out over the road. The road there follows an old railroad grade, so there was probably a tipple at the end of the bridge where they used to dump the coal into train cars. I found the petroglyphs that Jason told me about, but the lighting was poor and I think it caused me to miss the one petroglyph that I really wanted to see. This picture, taken by a fellow geocacher, shows the petroglyph that I had hoped to see. I was told that it was right next to the other petroglyphs that I did see, so apparently the lighting conditions (some direct sunlight and some dark shaded areas) made some of the rock art difficult to see. I’ll have to go back early another day so that the sun is hitting the cliffs at a better angle.