Well, it’s undoubtedly been quite an exciting week for Mike and Allison–they had their baby girl last night just after midnight, weighing in at 6 pounds 5 ounces. Congratulations!
On Sunday, I started reading The Stand. I’d read it once before, when I was 14 or 15, and it took me weeks to get through it, having to check it out from the library three times. When I read it last time, I remember listening to Badmotorfinger most of the time, and I’ve been listening to it a lot this time as well. That album just seems to go with this book very well. This time, I’m already halfway through it after just a few days. I only have time to read it from about the time dinner’s over until between 1:30 and 2:30 in the morning, when I’m too tired to focus my eyes any longer. Surprisingly, I haven’t been too tired to get up on time for work in the mornings. I’m actually reading “the Complete and Uncut Edition,” which I bought used through Amazon for five bucks. Despite how much I like this book, I probably won’t read it again for another ten or more years. I get so engrossed in it, which is bad enough because I don’t really have the time for reading this much, but considering how well the subject matter sticks with me, every ten years is just enough.
That is an awesome book. I’ve read it 2 or 3 times myself and I always get engrossed with it as well, spending hours upon hours at a time reading it.