If the weather isn’t too ugly, I’m going to go on a little expedition this weekend. There’s this old railroad bed just east of Helper that I took my truck 4-wheeling on two summers ago, where I found a pretty interesting fossil (that I have yet to identify). I’m going to go back there Saturday and look for more fossils, but I’ll have to ride my mountain bike there. The road is extremely rough, so I’ll park my car right where the dirt road starts and bike the rest of the way. There are some steep grades on the way there, so I’ll probably actually be walking my bike a lot of the way up.
Looking at that aerial photo, you can see a trail that heads northeast that I didn’t know even existed, so if I’m feeling up to it, I may check it out. Damn, I wish I had my truck back–it would make this much easier. They’re still trying to get a tranny for it, but they’re apparently incompetent.