This seems pretty ridiculous to me–several Utahns are complaining about not being able to bring their concealed firearms into a convention at which Dick Cheney will be speaking. First of all, DUH! He is the Vice President of the United States of America, and I’m sure the Secret Service will be more than happy to allow people to roam around with concealed weapons…or not. Secondly, the convention is held on privately-owned property, and there are no laws against property owners restricting concealed weapons. So quit crying.
I love the quote that they’ve got to do “something to stop Republican gun bans”…
That’s the funniest damn thing I’ve heard! We better get to work stopping all the Republican abortions too! And the Republican environmentalist whackos! Jeez!
Please… The Republicans are the most gun-friendly people on earth it seems… And as the article points out, Cheeny was one of the most gun-friendly voters while a member of congress.. So he’s probably the last person these guys should be complaning about.