I don’t close on the house until tomorrow, but it’s getting hectic as hell now. I had a pleasant experience with U.S. West when I called to get my phone lines hooked up. The woman I talked to was extremely efficient and friendly…quite a shock coming from that company. There was a big mix-up with Questar Gas–they somehow managed to transfer the service to the previous owner’s name (not the current owner, but the guy that owned it several years ago). So I had to straighten that up…what a bunch of schmoes. I have yet to call the power company, cable company, internet provider, and probably a couple other utilities that I’m forgetting about. Busy busy busy…
I added some links today too. RebeloNet and Sloppy Rage. Two very kickass sites, I dunno why I never visited them until today.
And thanks to ErlK0nig, BLATz, and Mike for keepin’ things going around here for the next week or two. If today is any indication of how busy I’ll be, I probably won’t have time to even look at a computer. 🙂