I saw October Sky last night, and it was a pretty damn good movie. There were a couple of shallow plot parts, but for the most part, it was really good. It was definitely something I’d go see again. It’s about a kid and his friends who, Against All Odds®, perfect their own skills at rocketry and win the national science fair. They break out of their home town’s coal mining tradition and get scholarships to college. Of course, it’s not as simple as all that, but you get the basic idea. It was interesting to me because I grew up in a coal company town (after the company had shut down), and heard all the mining stories from old-timers who were around when the mine was still in business. But it wasn’t the nostalgia that made it good…it was just a good movie.
I just made plans with Ty to go see The Matrix on Friday. He’s already seen it, and he’s usually picky about movies, so if he’ll go see it again, I’m pretty sure I’ll like it. There’s only one reason I haven’t seen it yet: Keanu Reeves. Sure, Point Break and Bill & Ted’s were pretty good, but everything after that sucked. Johnny Mnemonic, Chain Reaction, A Walk in the Clouds, Speed, etc…
I saw something that was somewhat refreshing today: a VoiceStream commercial that didn’t show Jamie Lee Curtis’ cleavage. Usually, they come up with any excuse to show it…like her, dressed in a low-cut evening gown, bending over the engine of her broken-down car. Yeah right. Even check out their website. The only reason you can’t see down her shirt is that her arm is in the way.