Nutty Putty Cave

I got thinking about how awesome Nutty Putty Cave is last night when I updated my page, and started looking for info about it today. I found this page, which didn’t have hardly any information about it, but had a nice map of the inside of the cave. I can’t find ANYthing about the cave on the net that I don’t already know. But this map was news to me. I had no idea such a thing existed ’til today. Anyway, I split it up into 9 pieces and printed each one out, lined up the pages, and taped them together. So now I have a 3 foot wide detailed map of the cave. When I first saw the map, I was actually kinda shocked. I’ve been inside Nutty Putty 3 times, but each time, I never went into the left branch of the cave because I got stuck…I just figured it didn’t lead anywhere because I couldn’t fit through the opening. But by looking at the map, I found out there’s still more than half the cave left for me to explore.
So anyway, I’m all excited now to go back and check it out. Obviously, that part is accessible because it’s all been mapped out. Anyone interested in going can email me at and let me know. I’m planning on going sometime in the spring, like April or May…just whenever the weather’s nice enough. All you need to bring is yourself, a hard hat, a flashlight, and a water bottle. Even if you don’t know me or don’t live in Utah County, it’s no problem. I’ve got some friends from Price who are for sure going, and at least a few others from up here. Last time I went, Mike and Matt Marshall, Jorge and Mike Sanchez, and Jaysen Farrell (my bro-in-law) all came with me (it was kind of my bachelor party since I didn’t really wanna party) and it kicked all kinds of ass (be sure to watch for the pictures of that trip on my pictures page.)
And Ty, if you’re reading this, I’M GOING TO FORCE YOU TO COME! 🙂 Sure, I was scared the first time I went, but that’s what made it so fun. I still get nervous about going now, even though I’ve been there a few times. I promise you’ll have fun, and I promise I’ll kidnap you if you don’t come this time.
Ok, this update is getting too long to keep anyone’s interest, so I’ll shut up now. 🙂 But keep an eye out for some info on the hot springs soon…it’s another kickass place around here to go to have a lot of fun. Later y’all!

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