On my drive to work this morning, I saw more construction signs warning of impending road work than I’d ever seen before, except there wasn’t one bit of construction going on. That is, until I drove home–then I saw even more than on this morning’s drive, and still no construction.
There’s also a lane of highway near the Scofield Reservoir turnoff that’s been closed off with orange construction barrels for several months. A pothole in the road turned into an ugly gaping trench, and apparently UDOT’s long-term solution is to just close the lane and put signs up that say, “Road Work Ahead.” If that were their solution to everything, the six-mile stretch of potholes and patches that is Billy’s Mountain would be closed entirely. As it is, the “Road Damage – Next 6 Miles” sign has been up for over a year.
Utah is spending all its highway funds on fixing up I-15 for the upcoming Olympics, so all the damn foreigners coming in can enjoy the pretty, shiny highways, while the southern half of the state suffers through worn shock absorbers and bald tires.
they’re probrably trying to make money from people speeding there so that they can fix the other road.